Thursday, 10 March 2011

External submission for the Tango brief

Ok so among other things in the last few weeks, I had to complete the Tango project for external competition submission.

This call for the work that I had already done on the models and the design boards but with and extra part; a viral advert to go with the models and campaign.

It was a little last minute because I though the dead line was the 25th (it was the 9th) but i manages to do what i thought was a very good job.

I have never even contemplated storyboarding before so I didn't know what to expect. I drew up a quick sketch then began to draw it all out on the computer using my graphics tablet.

I set out with the intention of keeping it black and white but it seemed a lot better when I started to add colour.

My Sketch for the board
The final thing
Overall it took me around 6 hours to complete.

Looking at it, it may seem very bizarre and not make any sense but i tried to keep it solely as a viral advert. when it would make you go: 'Oh my god did that actually happen?' and 'Mate, check this out!', and that is what a viral advert is all about, violence aside.