Friday 18 February 2011

More Tango Bottles

So Today was another long day. We did some more work on the robotics module we have with Lego NXT Mindstorm Kits. That's not going too well at the moment and there is nothing worth commenting on.

Spent another 3 hours in the workshop getting these bottles sorted.

I got the clear model stuck together as well as a white one that I intend to spray either black or orange

The bottles in comparison to the existing 600ml King Tango; I think mine is way better

I cut the top off the actual Tango bottle so i could have a proper screw top
I spent a short while making sure the clear bottle was air-tight. Then i can fill it with liquid so it actually look like a real bottle and not a 3D render that would take hours.

Hopefully I can get all of the painting out of the way this weekend and maybe the label design too. Then I have he whole of next week to do the design boards required for the hand in.

At this point I am still unsure whether to apply for the external competition too because of the extra work I would have to put in. We shall see after the weekend depending on how much I get done.

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