Monday 21 February 2011

Tango Bottles Completed

So today I got to work to finish the Tango bottles. I printed out the labels and stuck them on. Ideally I could have done with photo paper and a better adhesive but for the purposes of getting a few pictures it was all I needed.

Not having a decent camera was a bit of a pain but Hannah has a D50 so I just borrowed that and set out for a shop so my bottles could be in the right environment.

I first went to ASDA but because of big stores being so anal about this kind of thing, they wouldn't let me take any pictures in the shop. So instead i went to the local newsagents.

In the fridge

Next to the original 600ml Tango

Spot the new Tango

Funky Labels

This is my favorite picture
It was really satisfying to see them finally done. Hopefully the guys at StarPack and Tango will like them as much as I do. I think I will apply to the external competition. Don't mean to blow my own trumpet or anything but I think I have a relatively good chance.

All left to do now is finish the report, do the design/presentation boards, create some point of sale items and story board a 30 second advert. Sounds a lot more when I write it down. Oh well, looks like a busy week ahead.

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