Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sunday Sunday

Not a great deal actually happened today. Me and Hannah went to Manchester to look at the BITA (British Interior Textiles Association) fair. it took us 2 hours and £60 to get there by train and a further £30 in taxi fares. All in all it was a semi worthwhile trip. We had a free lunch and mooched around the stalls for a short while. Hannah really enjoyed looking at the fabrics and i was actually impressed by some of them. I just had ideas for hand carved chairs with this purple material over them. Pretty royal.

There was also a lot of designers of curtain rails and ends. Not a market I had previously thought of. But some of them were very interesting indeed. Some modern and some more traditional, but cool all the same.

On the way back, we went through Manchester Piccadilly train station and I noticed that it is actually a very nice building.

I liked the way the monitors are placed in the old open space

The roof over the station
I just really liked the roof. The contrast again the modern moving walkways.

Oh, and as a side note; On the train back i found a perfect example for the nurture argument between misbehaved people being bad because of nature or nurture. A man, pissed off his face belching and shouting and swearing to the carriage with his son chanting along with him. That boy will just be another skinhead and a statistic for violence. As long as he's not my kid though eh?

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